About me

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Nathanael Dousa

My name is Nathanel Dousa, I am 19 years old. I was born December 3, 2003 and I was born in the Czech Republic and have lived here for 11 years now. I am now following the Software Developer training at ROC Middennederland Nieuwegein. I learn programming languages ​​HTML5, PHP, CSS, JAVASCRIPT here. I already have a lot of experience with HTML5 and CSS

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I did Vmbo Tl (Technology) at Amadeus Lyceum. The subjects I had were Dutch, Mathematics, Nask (Physics & Chemistry), English, Spanish, Social Studies, Economics. Besides all the subjects I had, I took several courses from school such as HTML5 & CSS (website building). I took these courses for a year. I have built several in the meantime

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My projects

Here are some projects that I had to make for companies or for school.

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